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Our Programs

Diverse Learning Environments

I have a well run structured program that is open minded  to work with all different types of families. I work with teen parents, single parents, same sex couples, and all different races and cultures and religious backgrounds. In general, we believe in Diversity and inclusiveness. 



The early years are the most important ones. Children’s brains develop during this time. My childcare program provides a warm, loving, caring environment for these developing years.   


Toddlers develop quickly over the years, Their cognitive, emotional, gross motor and small motor skills develop at great speed. My childcare program provides an 

environment that fosters those developing years.    

Painting Class
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Pre-schooler are usually more independent, they help younger children with various tasks. They love to explore their environment and everything around them. Their curiosity level develops at high speed so they ask a lot of questions. My childcare program encourages children to talk and give their opinion and Our teachers are here to ask and answer open ended questions.  


Pre- K children usually interact with peers of their own age group. They love to communicate with teachers and they usually have their own personality. They develop social skills which are very important for their development. They  learn to share, take turns, and participate in small and large group activities.  Pre-K children become more interested in literacy, math and they tend to read more. My childcare program encourages and supports pre-k children developing skills knowing that these skills are necessary to move on to the next level which is kindergarten.         

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Fun & Creativity


Our child care program puts children’s needs first. Our program develops a curriculum that focuses on children’s individual ability to learn and develop successfully. The early childhood years are the most important and critical years in a child’ life. Our program fosters those years by focusing on learning and developing through play, developing individual skills, nutrition, and health. We started our business to be a foundation in the community, Our program is laying the foundation for the future. Families will be very happy to know that our program stands for safety, trust, love, care and success.     


Art activities are very important in the classroom. Children develop critical skills through art. Children develop skills such as physical, cognitive, and creative skills. Children visualize the world in their drawing and painting, at T.A.G Daycare we encourage children’s art skills.   


Music is very important to young children's development. It improves coordination, it improves creative thinking, music also improves emotional and behavioral issues in young children. Our teachers support children’s musical skills. 


Young children love to move, providing adequate space in your environment will help children develop gross motor skills. Movements also improve behavioral issues and are beneficial for brain development. Overall young children love moving and exercising. Our teachers dance and move and have fun with young children in our program.


Developing language skills are a vital part of young children’s development. Language helps young children to communicate. Developing  language skills supports children’s  ability to listen, speak, read and write more. At T.A.G Daycare program, we communicate and read  fun books with children on a daily basis to give them a charge to share their thoughts and express their feelings through language. 


Mathematics is a fundamental part of young children’s development in their early years. Children’s ability to count, measure, sort and problem-solving depends on developing their math skills. Our teachers provide children with materials and activities such as counting boards, puzzle pieces, measuring materials shape and patterns.  

Outside Play

Outdoor play is a vital part of young children’s development.  All children should be physically active. Outdoor play gives children a chance to play and explore the natural environment around them. The outdoor environment should  have enough space for children, and should be clean and safe. At T.A.G Daycare we provide this type of environment for young children.

397 Seaver Street, Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts, 02121       

© 2023 by Little Rainbow. 

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